Breeding and Litter Plans for 2025

We would like to inform our valued customers and supporters that we will not have any litters of puppies born in 2025. After careful consideration, we have decided to take a temporary pause in our breeding program for this year.

We are looking forward to resuming our breeding program in Spring 2026. We truly appreciate your understanding and support during this pause and look forward to welcoming new litters in the future!

In the meantime, we are happy to provide referrals to breeders that we know and trust, many of whom are actively breeding the Valhalla Bloodlines.

Bird Dog Training: When to Spay or Neuter Your Dog

People are very passionate about animals, especially those with whom they grow emotionally attached. For this reason, some decisions involved with raising and training bird dogs can be very controversial. This is especially true with neutering or spaying your bird dog. Dog owners and other interested parties have strong disagreements about whether or not dogs should be fixed at all. If owners do decide to spay or neuter, there is further controversy regarding when exactly is the best time to have the operation performed.

Of course, there are many nuanced arguments for both sides. Proponents point to a reduced risks of prostate health issues, diabetes, and tumor growth, all in addition to the most obvious benefit of all—prevention of unwanted pregnancies. Those who are against neutering and spaying contend that it causes unnatural development issues in dogs. Indeed, there are reasonable arguments from both sides of the issue.

Dogs are used for a wide variety of purposes, including police work, household companionship, and even performing in shows. Every situation has its own set of ideal circumstances when it comes to spaying and neutering.

However, here at Valhalla Kennels & Gun Dogs, we are focused on what is best for the training bird dog. We believe in spaying or neutering our dogs. We have not found that spaying or neutering bird dogs affects their hunting ability or potential. A good pedigree and proper training are the true factors when it comes to performance.

However, we also feel that it is important to wait until the dog is fully developed physically, to prevent the worst of the aforementioned issues. Fixing a dog too early can cause reduced bone growth, sometimes resulting in tall, lanky males that have a narrow chest and head. Females are usually fully developed between the ages of 9 and 12 months, while male dogs typically take around 2 years.

Valhalla Kennels & Gun Dogs is an upland bird-hunting club near Denver, Colorado that caters to both hunters and their dogs. Our nationally recognized gun dog training program can help get the most out of your growing dog.

Bird Dog Training: Proper Nutrition for Bird Dogs

Nutrition for Bird DogsYou’ve heard the stories about Olympic athletes, and the seemingly insane amount of food they consume as part of their training regimen. The fact is, bodies that are expected to be as active as these athlete’s need much more fuel than average to continue to perform at a higher level.

Of course, the same holds true for bird dogs. They need to be fed differently than your typical pet dog because they are required to maintain a much higher level of endurance, tirelessly running for long periods while maintaining heightened senses.

That being said, all dogs are much different than their human counterparts. In fact, there’s a long list of foods commonly eaten by humans that are potentially dangerous if ingested by a dog. Dogs are carnivorous animals that operate best when metabolizing fat and protein. Furthermore, coming from the wolf family, dogs are better suited than humans to gorge on large amounts of food, waiting longer periods of time between meals.

After all is said and done, most trainers shoot for a source of nutrition with about 30% protein and 20% fat for high performance bird dogs. But the quality of food is a little more complicated than those simple levels suggest. For example, there are many different types of protein, some considered much more beneficial than others. This is the difference between high quality and low quality dog food.

At Valhalla Kennels & Gun Dogs, we feed and recommend Purina Pro-Plan Performance dog food because it delivers high levels of fat and protein derived from high quality sources. We also use supplements like fish oil and glucosamine to maintain joints that can withstand high stress in the field.

We feed our dogs based not on the arbitrary numbers listed on the back of the food bags, but on body condition score. By closely monitoring the condition of dogs, we can adjust their feeding to keep them at their absolute healthiest weight. It’s also important to consider other variations, such as the weather. In extreme hot or cold, a bird dog might need a little extra food to keep them going strong.

At Valhalla, we also believe it’s important to feed dogs the same way year round, even in an offseason or on down time. It’s not a good idea to compromise a dog’s athletic condition just to save a buck with lower quality food.

If you’re interested in training with our experts at an upland bird-hunting club that caters to both hunters and their dogs in here in Colorado, contact Valhalla Kennels & Gun Dogs today.

Bird Dog Training: Socializing a Puppy

socializing bird dogWhile choosing the right puppy to be your gun dog is obviously important to their success, you’ll still need to develop your puppy into a healthy, well-tempered adult dog. Before tackling more complicated training, you’ll need to make sure your puppy is comfortable interacting with other people and situations.

You should get serious about socialization when your dog begins to establish its independence and has reached a sufficient level of mental development. For most dogs, an ideal window is at an age of around six to eight weeks, but every breed—and every individual puppy, for that matter—is different.

Every dog, however, should be introduced to new people and environments at an early age. This is especially true for potentially uncomfortable interactions, like with the veterinarian, obedience teacher, kennel, and groomer. Whether you’re with family, friends, or complete strangers, encourage other humans to gently handle your puppy to get him used to interaction and build confidence. Socializing with other dogs is just as important as human interaction. Dog parks are a great place to meet other puppies and build confidence in being around them.

Interacting with others is very important, but you’ll want your puppy to show unmatched companionship and loyalty to you, so take him with you wherever you can, personally introducing him to new experiences that strengthen your relationship. Play with him, displaying a positive attitude, and use his name over and over. It’s okay to let him wander a bit, but always keep a watching eye and be ready to intervene if necessary. Your dog should know that you are in charge, and also that you’ve “got his back”.

One of the most important aspects of bird dog socialization is managing frightening situations. Overcoming fearful situations should be a huge priority. At first, you should protect a puppy from things like loud noises, slowly introducing him to them over time. If a dog is frightened of anything from a lawnmower to a stereo, divert his attention by showing enthusiasm for something else.

Also, remember that you are perhaps more capable than anything of inspiring fear. While it’s important to be stern when your dog does something wrong, scolding him without a clear and present reason for doing so will only confuse him. Make sure that other humans are consistent with disciplinary signals as well. It’s most often better to reinforce and encourage good behavior than it is to punish bad behavior.

By socializing your puppy into a healthy and respectful adult dog, you can set the stage for a healthy and productive hunting relationship. Introducing your partner to the world is healthy for you as well. For expert training that will work wonders for both you and your dog, visit Valhalla Kennels & Gun Dogs today.

Bird Dog Training: How to Pick a Puppy

choosing a puppy for a gun dogChoosing the right puppy to train into a bird dog can be tricky business. Imagine looking at young child and trying to determine which natural gifts they will grow into. It’s difficult to make choices when the consequences are so far into the future, and when so much commitment is required to bring the most out of the puppy you eventually choose.

It’s tough to decide, and it should be. But there are plenty of key signs that can make you confident you’re choosing the right hunting partner for your future.

First, remember that every breed is different, with their own advantages and disadvantages. Some are better than others are with different climates, terrains, and hunting prey. Do some research and talk with experts about which breed might be best for you, while maintaining an open mind about factors you might not have considered thus far.

Once you’ve decided on a breed you like, and you’re visiting a breeder, surveying available puppies, use indications of health to narrow your search down to some reliable choices. Make sure you have verifiable proof of veterinarian examinations and shots administered. Use your own judgment to determine whether a puppy looks vibrant and healthy, and avoid those that look sickly and skinny. A dog’s fully-grown size can be estimated fairly well at an early age.

Perhaps the most important factor in determining a good puppy to use as a bird dog, and the most reliable, is a record of the puppy’s pedigree. If their parents are good bird dogs, this is a huge indicator that you have a winner on your hands. If you can witness the parents in action yourself, that’s great. But referrals or videos of work in the field are nice as well. As with any animal, a puppy’s genetics play a huge role in their development, from sense of smell to the way they behave in different situations.

Speaking of behavior, it never hurts to interact with a puppy you’re interested in to get a sense of what their future could hold. Play around with your puppy, making sure they’re not too testy or too calm. However, don’t put too much stock into how they act as puppies, as they still have a great deal of growing and training ahead of them. The best candidates are those that have a history of being handled by people.

Once you’ve narrowed your search down to a select few, and you can’t seem to find any quantifiable differences between them, trust your instinct to make the final choice. Settle on the puppy with which you feel the strongest underlying connection. After all, you’ll be spending a great deal of time with your new friend.

Valhalla Gun Dogs & Trainers has been a premier Colorado upland bird hunting club since 1989 and a kennel since 1998. Visit our website or give us a call today if you’re interested in expert, year-round training for both you and your canine hunting partner.