Valhalla Kennels Staff
The staff at Valhalla Kennels is focused on treating your hunting partner like a guest in a five star hotel for canines. From feeding to grooming and taking care of medical issues as needed, the Kennel Staff is committed to making your dog’s stay at the Kennels comfortable.

Anna Apmann
Valhalla Kennel’s manager, Anna Apmann has been with Valhalla since 2019 and takes seriously the responsibility of making sure you and your dogs have the best experience possible. She manages a caring, well-trained, and dedicated staff and is always more than happy to explain what a day looks like and Valhalla or answer any questions about your dog’s stay.

Stephanie MacLennan
Stephanie has been the in the dog industry for 2 decades and has been part of the Valhalla family since 2000. Stephanie is the proud mom of a Jack Russell Terrier, German Shorthair, and pointing lab. Stephanie has helped her husband Russell build the Valhalla program into a world class destination for bird dogs and training. “I’m blessed with a amazing team and great members that make coming to work very day a pleasure.”